Protect Your Business This Holiday Season

cctv security

cctv securityIncorporating closed-circuit television (CCTV) in your business security efforts can add a vital layer of security to your business. Whether you’re responsible for high-tech, large-scale electronics or a small boutique fashion store, CCTV cameras can safeguard your business against shoplifters, burglars, and much more during the holiday season.


Here are four ways a CCTV installation can protect your business:


1. A visual deterrent

Convicted burglars and thieves agree that seeing boldly displayed security measures such as signs boasting of security systems or visible cameras act as a big deterrent to criminal activity. So just by having the cameras on-site, you’re dramatically decreasing your business’s desirability as a target.


2. Eyes in the sky

In their most basic function, CCTV cameras serve as extra pairs of eyes and ears around your business. Capable of catching criminal acts on film, assisting in the investigation of criminal activity, and preventing crimes from occurring in the first place. CCTV cameras placed outside of a place of business also deter vandalism and graffiti.


3. Catch criminals in the act

It’s hard to refute tangible video evidence when investigating a crime. Modern CCTV cameras allow you to access the video feed on your smartphone or other mobile devices. Meaning you no longer have to be physically present to catch a criminal at your business.


4. Lower insurance premiums

Insurance companies prefer to insure businesses and retailers who take security seriously. The more security measures your business has in place, the less likely you are to experience an insurance rate increase. On the flip side, should some act of theft or vandalism occur at your business, your ability to provide your insurance company with proof via video can expedite any claims.


5. Mitigate internal loss

Most “shrink”—industry term for loss of inventory—is internal. Meaning that employee’s take the inventory. This is done by either throwing an item into a personal bag, “throwing it out” by stuffing it into a box of trash to retrieve later or even having friends come in and “pretending” to ring them up at the register. CCTV can be integrated to POS systems to record transactions.


The holidays are the busiest time of the year for most businesses and retailers. If you haven’t installed CCTV yet or are on the fence about whether your business “needs” this feature, give us a call here at Millennium Fire and Security. We’d be happy to answer any questions and find the best solution for you and your business.